Helping You Find Your Freedom

Clifford Paulick, MBA

Doing what I can for your Freedom: faith, finances, fitness, and flexibility in your time and location.

Why Focus On Freedom?

Get free so you can commit to who and what you love.

I've found freedom in ways differently than you will...
but we'll find it together.

Be Generous

We live this life for others, not for ourselves.

"Give first, give most, give last."
Kasim Aslam

Raise the Bar

Set yourself apart and bring others with you.

"Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge."
Simon Sinek

Win in Your Way

Winning your freedom usually means earning more money but never has money as the focus.

"Money is a great servant but a bad master."
Francis Bacon

Cliff is Ready to Help!

Message me on your favorite social platform. Keep an open mind, ask questions, and share feedback.

I teach courses so you can level-up in skill. I share wisdom so you can make the most of the resources in your care. And I share experiences so we can all grow together in our own ways, learning from each other's wins and losses.

Honest and Direct

I'm not full of fluff and don't like wasting my time, so I won't be wasting yours. Let's live by the Golden Rule and treat others how we appreciate being treated.

Students and Clients

I have online and offline students, clients, friends, and mentors who've benefitted me and received great ROI on my services and advice.

Multiple Incomes

I've earned one income at a time in various industries, and I've developed multiple income sources over time, some more passive than others.

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CliffServes, You!

Is this for you? Yes, even if it doesn't feel like it just yet. Ask me anything!

For even [Jesus] did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a [i.e. to die so that believers may be freed from the power of sin and death] ransom for many.

To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

Nelson Mandela

Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable is the only path to freedom.

What Our Clients Are sAying

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John Doe

Successful Businessman

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So you can Serve others?